Scleranthus biflorus
(Canberra Grass)

Scleranthus biflorus
(Canberra Grass)

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  Each 20 or more
2.5L Pot $9.50 $9.00


Foliage Colour: Green
Growth Rate: Medium
Mature Height: 0.1 m
Mature Width: 0.7 m
Site Condition: Coastal, Exposed, Frost Tolerant, Heavy Soil, Loamy Soil, Sandy Soil
Sun: Full Sun, Part Shade
Drainage: Moist, Wet
Category: Shrub
Features: Suitable for ground cover. Flower colour: Yellow-Green. Native. Suitable restoration species.

Scleranthus biflorus, commonly known as New Zealand Cushion Plant or Knawel, is a low-growing, mat-forming perennial plant native to New Zealand. It belongs to the Caryophyllaceae family and is known for its distinctive cushion-like growth habit and small, inconspicuous flowers.

The leaves of Scleranthus biflorus are tiny, narrow, and needle-like, with a bright green color. They are arranged in pairs along the stems, giving the plant a unique appearance resembling a dense, mossy cushion or a miniature mossy mound. The leaves are typically evergreen, retaining their green color throughout the year, although they may turn bronze or reddish in cold weather.

The flowers of Scleranthus biflorus are small and inconspicuous, usually greenish or yellowish in color. They are borne on short stalks and are typically solitary, with two flowers per stem, hence the species name "biflorus". The flowers are not the main feature of this plant, as they are often overshadowed by the dense foliage.

Scleranthus biflorus is a hardy plant that is well-adapted to rocky or sandy soils and is often used as a ground cover in rock gardens, alpine gardens, or other low-maintenance landscapes. It is also suitable for planting in crevices or gaps in stone walls or between stepping stones, where its cushion-like growth habit can add a unique and visually appealing touch.

One of the notable characteristics of Scleranthus biflorus is its ability to tolerate dry conditions and periods of drought, making it a good choice for water-wise gardening. It is a relatively low-maintenance plant that requires minimal care, although it may benefit from occasional trimming to maintain its compact form.

Habitat: Coastal

Flowering: Spring [October - December]

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