Improve Privacy with our Hedging Plants in Christchurch

The privacy of ones backyard is an important aspect of any home, and this can be achieved in a tasteful manner that ultimately looks more aesthetic than a wood or brick fence. Our selection of screening plants for Christchurch residents offer this feature by forming a solid and durable barrier whilst appearing visually pleasing and lush. Whatever hedging plant requirements you may have, we'll have a solution that'll cater to your needs.
Some plant options:
The basics of maintaining your hedging plants
Your hedge will be with you for the long haul so ensure you prepare the soil well. Add organic matter and a general fertiliser, eradicate perennial weeds and lay drains if needed. For closely planted hedges, dig trenches, using a stick cut to length to keep the spacing consistent. Planting in autumn is best for the plant. Here are a few tips to ensure you get the best results from your hedging plants in Christchurch.
There are no rules about spacing. Densely planted screening plants look fuller faster, but it’s healthier for plants if they’re not competing too closely for water and nutrients. As a rough guide, separate plants by 20-30cm for knee-high hedges, 30-40cm for waist-high hedges and 50-100cm for anything higher. Double-spaced hedges made up of two alternating rows are only necessary for species that tend to leave gaps at the base.
General maintenance
Feed most hedges blood and bone once a year to keep them healthy and well nourished. Also make sure you clip hedges while you can still see the shape and line of last year’s cut. Aim to create a tapered A-shaped profile for formal hedging so that plenty of light reaches the base, preventing it from thinning. For the same reason, keep surrounding plantings near the hedge cut back.
Quality matters
Only purchase good quality screening plants grown within Canterbury, they're acclimated to the conditions - and don't be tempted with bargain bin offers. After care is important too – including tasks such as mulching, irrigation and weeding.
Grade, Pricing and Availability
If you're planning ahead and require a significant number of plants engage us to grow your hedge for you - placing an order for hedging plants in spring for the following autumn's planting season will guarantee you availability at a trade price instead of retail. We'll deliver them to you when you and the plant are ready. Most of our offering is in the 2L grade where plant heights average around the 30-40cm in height - these are two year olds. We do occasionally have three year old options available - our stock potted on in to a 10L pot and grown on for another year where average height is around 1m - see Griselinia Broadway Mint example.

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