Fuchsia excorticata
(Kotukutuku, Tree Fuchsia)

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Fuchsia excorticata
(Kotukutuku, Tree Fuchsia)

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  Each 20 or more
2L Pot $9.50 $9.00


Foliage Colour: Green
Growth Rate: Medium
Mature Height: 6 m
Mature Width: 3 m
Site Condition: Frost Tolerant, Heavy Soil, Loamy Soil, Waterways
Sun: Full Sun, Part Shade, Full Shade
Drainage: Dry, Moist
Category: Tree
Features: Attractive to birds, insects, lizards and bees. Flower colour: Red. Fruit colour: Purple. Native. Suitable restoration species.

Fuchsia excorticata, also known as Kotukutuku, Tree Fuchsia, and New Zealand Fuchsia. Native to New Zealand and considered to be the worlds largest fuchsia. Attractive, small flowers begin to appear in mid spring. They are greenish-yellow then turn purple-red. followed by dark purple berries that are edible and tasting similar to tamarillo. It is easily recognised in its native environment by the characteristic appearance of its bark, which peels spontaneously, hanging in red papery strips to show a pale bark underneath. Plant in full sun or partial shade, hardy, semi-deciduous to deciduous.

Kōtukutuku is also a favoured food for bees. Other native trees that provide excellent food for honey bees and our own native bees (Leioproctus, Lasioglossum, and Hylaeus genera), are Psuedopanax arboreus, Cordyline australis, Schefflera digitata, Kunzea, and Pittosporum tenuifolium.

Habitat: Found in lowland and montane forests, especially along forest margins and streamsides where the soil is damp.

Flowering: Winter - Spring - Summer [June - January]
Fruiting:    Summer [December - March]

My Lists: Low Flammability Plants, Rongoa, Winter Pollen

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